Camping Made Easy!
BrantHill Farm Booking
To check availability, find prices for your stay and to make bookings use our availability calender below! Prices can also be found at the bottom of this page. If you would like more information just contact us by clicking here.
You can select your tent location using the site map below.. Please note, once booked it IS NOT possible to change tent allocation.
Please take the time to read our terms and conditions before booking. T&C's can be found here or by clicking on the link at the foot of each page. By booking you confim that you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions.
10% deposit payable on booking -balance payable 60 days before start of holiday. Holidays booked within 60 days of start date must be paid in full on booking.
Branthill Farm
Please note...If you would like to book multiple tents for a gathering, party etc, please email us before booking, so we can discuss your needs.
Bookings are all 3 nights minimum stay at peak times.
If you've already booked and want to get a head start on your holiday, you can click here to download our info sheets, site maps and how to guides!

branthill farm Pricing for 2025..
Bank Holidays 3 nights min
May Day Holiday Friday 23rd to Monday 26th of May
August Bank Holiday Friday 22nd to Monday 25th of August
Term Time Weekends from May to September
2 nights Friday to Sunday
3 nights Friday to Monday
Term Time Midweek
Monday to Friday
Half Term and Summer Holidays
Weekend 2 nights - check in Friday or Saturday
Monday to Weds or Weds to Friday
Weekend Friday to Monday
Midweek Monday to Friday
Week Rate Monday or Friday check in